API / GraphQL Docs Editor
Nicolas Giard
An editor to describe and document APIs (e.g. Swagger, readme.io, etc.) for both REST and GraphQL endpoints.
Ability to automatically analyze a GraphQL endpoint using introspection.
Ability to automatically analyze REST endpoints using standard formats (such as Swagger).
Shadid Haque
Nicolas Giard any update on this? It seems it has been dragging for years. Is this going to be a 3.x feature?
Ryszard Karnia
Nicolas Giard any plans connected to this feature? For me, swagger is most important.
Patrick Torrent
Nicolas Giard any news about this implementation ?
Ivan Sieder
Nicolas Giard there's already this Render Pipeline, but I couldn't find any docs on how that can be used. Did I miss something there?
Seb PPSlash
Hi, functionality was set to PLANNED in Oct 2019 then IN PROGRESS in Dec 2019, then PLANNED again in April 2023 . Now we are in Oct 2023, could you please clarify the roadmap ? Is it some release date / version for this feature ? (or part of the feature, like import swagger json file and render it)
Thank you
Hi Nicolas, is there any update about this feature? Thanks a lot
Nicolas Giard
Loan Joliveau
Hey Nicolas Giard, any planned release date for this API Docs editor?
I really want this feature!
John Robinsin
Really love to see this feature soon!
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