Change text color on pages
Tomáš Hnyk
But there are some things that cannot be changed, are there not? For example, I would like to change the colour of the h1 headings and remove the fading line under them (added with the after selector). I can change the h1 headings by inlineing "style=color:black" into the html but I failed to create a CSS rule that would target the ::after pseudoelement that creates the fading line.
Tomáš Hnyk
Actually, it can be selected by "#app > div > main > div > > div > div > div.headline.grey--text.text--darken-3" - I managed to justify it and make it bold, font-size and color were impossible to change though.
You can override a lot of style settings with custom css-rules and change the colour of text, links, background elements and some more.
Sven: thanks but how can you change for example a specific text color in wisywyg ? I learned CSS 12 y ago and I don't remember much
You are right, this would be a small function but might be important for the wysiwyg-editor users.
I'm not using the wysiwyg-editor and there is no option to change by default unless changing the cke editor.
I prefer for a couple of reasons the markdown and would also recommend to use markdown. In markdown you can also add html and specify the appearance by adding a custom class or define a style. You can add your own css-definitions in the theme header with the css-injection for a global usage and a easy maintaining. I have used this to override all blue elements from the theme with an orange color to customize the color theme. Working pretty fine.
An example:
.custom-color-red { color: red; }
by class:
This apple is <span class="custom-color-red">red</span>
Alternative in the site for a site specific usage which makes it hard to change global.
example by style:
This apple is <span style="color: red;">red</span>
Hope this might be usefull for you.
Sven: yes it is thanks.