Collapsible Blocks / Text
Nicolas Giard
Maxim Ustin
Nicolas Giard: it will be very useful!
James McKey
Nicolas Giard Any update on when this might be planned for? I assume it is being planned for the visual editor? Is that correct?
Max Ivanov
Nicolas Giard Any news about spoilers / accordeons? Feature still actual for 2025
Nicolas Giard
Merged in a post:
Collapsing codeblocks
Benjamin Schmidt
For pasting bigger chunks of code or configuration files it would be nice to have the ability to collaps them. By this they do not take up an immense part of a page without the need to be seen.
Code blocks can be opened by this only when you really have to look into them.
Ben Jones
Coming in here in November 2022 to STRONGLY request an accordion feature to be available in the visual editor. Our company sells hundreds of different consumer products, and this would be an excellent feature to help manage large categorization / table-of-contents-style pages without having a wall of text organized by (sub)headings, and keeping it very simple for less-technically-savvy page editors.
This is still really needed IMO.
Tom Hung
Not exactly what you want but you can use <details> html.
Everyone dies in the end.
It seems like you can't use markdown within the details tag. It would be very useful if one could also format the text inside the details section.
Stefaan Vandevelde
Dragan Espenschied, that works indeed.
Thanks a million !
Dragan Espenschied
It can be done in markdown mode like this:
<summary>There is more to see</summary>
Hello, here is collapsed text!
The styling is not great but it works.
Otto Berger
Dragan Espenschied: ugly indeed. this needs much more upvotes so that we have native collapsible Blocks. For example add a checkmark to the Blockquotes to allow collapsing them.
Why do I need them? There sometimes is a lot of text that might be intersting but would destroy the readability of the page.
Is this called an accordion feature? I've heard from many users that this is one of the most useful feature from a user experience perspective as you can quickly togglev(and expand) relevant information without having a wall of text.
This one is a very needed feature!
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