Nicolas Giard
added in v3
Added in upcoming v3 release.
This could also include the ability to use Open Graph for URL previews.
Where do I go for Docker compose to do this?
A Note for Kubernetes Helm deployments:
Add to values.yaml:
- name: favi-blank
mountPath: /assets/favicons
- name: favi-blank
emptyDir: {}
To prevent your html injection from being overwritten with wikijs's favicon.
PJ Palomaki
Currently, a hacky way to achieve is to inject it into the HTML via Theme > Code Injection. Under HTML, just add
<link rel="icon" type="image/png" href="https://my-assets/favicon.png">
PJ Palomaki: Amazing! ... so much easier than overriding things inside Docker! Not sure why people don't just suggest this first.
Alde Roberge
For future reference, use "" and place the result in wiki/Assets/Favicons
Philip Warner
You can do this with HTML code injection in the header - something like this: <link rel="shortcut icon" type="image/x-icon" href="">
You'll need to host the favicon file outside of your wiki.js installation
Gordon D. Bonnar
I would also appreciate the ability to change this in the administration panel by choosing an asset, just like we can with the logo.
Remi Dupuis
Yes! Please. I'm trying to change it by the html and css injection, but I'm not getting
M Prajescu
+ 1 because it's about time
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