It would be great to be able to define words as "knowledge items". This could be internal/product-specific terminology, names, educational topics, etc. When writing these words into a new page, you would proceed the word(s) with a hash symbol, this would provide a auto-complete list based on your input after the hash symbol, and then auto-highlight the knowledge item when pressing enter on the chosen item in the list.
Once highlighted, the user could hover over these knowledge items while viewing a page and a short description would be provided in a popup. This could be a word definition, a product owner comment, a statement, etc. The descriptions would be set by the editors in a Knowledge Item management page, similar to tags.
Knowledge Items would be handled wiki-wide and permissions to add/edit them could be included. Additionally, certain Knowledge Items could be given an associated wikijs page or external URL, so that if it is clicked by the user, they are taken to that given page.
Knowledge items could have a default highlight colour applied when created, so that when automatically highlighted in a new page, the colours remain consistent (perhaps colour could be used by the user to mean context, topic, etc).
Another additional feature with this would be to allow icons to be assigned to Knowledge items. The same icon sets available for the navigation. They would appear to the left/right of the knowledge item text in the page, and show in the popup as well. This is just another visual indicator of the knowledge item existing. You can think of this similar to Twitter's hastag emoji.
Including knowledge items as part of the search functionality would also be great.
Example attached