Move a complete "tree" of pages
Thomas Nilefalk
Although a wiki is a collection of pages, often they are organised in a tree structure. If you want to move a page that is at the top of a subtree and all pages below it, that is very cumbersome. Adding a "move tree" function would greatly simplify moving, or renaming, subtrees and keep consistency.
Michael Sala
Really need this for organisation to deploy
Nicolas Giard
Nicolas Giard: Any update on the progress of this feature?
Ryan Johnson
Nicolas Giard Can we get an update? This feature is trivially easy to implement. You edit files and replace a text string containing a prefix and change it to another prefix. Please tell me after 70 years of being surrounded by hierarchical filesystems that you guys know how to implement the simplest of algorithms. And no, a reference counter isn't necessary for your links to be updated. You should be using a cryptographic hash to generate GUID's for articles to identify your article internally, so you don't have to update references.
Nobody can use your software seriously without this feature.
The ability to rename a "folder" would be fantastic.. almost critical for a new and active wiki.
Albert Akchurin
It would be great, if this was implemented also for remove/copy/rename functions. Could it be more convenient not to duplicate the same page path 200 times for 200 pages, but keep it in one place in DB, like it is in a file system? So we could just rename/move/copy/delete whole folders.
Nicolas Giard
Merged in a post:
Reorganizing Folders
Aditya Prakash
Is it possible to move entire folders at once? if there's a wiki/documents/diplomas folder and a wiki/paperwork folder, it would be nice to be able to move the entire documents or diplomas folder at once such that you end up with wiki/paperwork/documents/diplomas or wiki/paperwork/diplomas (and now documents doesn't have a "diiplomas" subfolder).
Put otherwise, moving a page would move all the sub-pages under it along with it.
Especially if it could be done by drag and drop in the navigation view.
Thomas Nilefalk
This is already requested here:
Nicolas Giard
Merged in a post:
Folder cloning option or user can copy selected folder and paste it in same or different folder
Keval Kanpariya
We are using wiki.js for version management system for our wide range products.
For specific products we show verity of versions list and in that specific version it contains lot's FAQS file with in.
So, Consequences of this when we update the version for eg. from "1.0.1" to "1.0.2" we kind of have to copy all FAQS file one by one into newly created version & that is kind of Time Consuming.
Therefore, I personally suggest that it would be easy if "wiki.js" gives the option for folder cloning just like it is present in file cloning.
Hence, It will be a great help to those who are using wiki.js as version management tool.
Why don't you use the ability to use git? There you can copy a page or a folder or complete folder structures for creating a new version?
It brings also some more advantages like updating and generating content by scripts.
A visual studio code extension would be a very nice option while working with git for generating page description headers, inserting and editing images, tables, links, linklist, tabs and much more.
Keval Kanpariya
Are you referring this option, for achieving above issue ??
Keval Kanpariya: yes.
Keval Kanpariya
Sven: Okay, thanks I will check this option.
Have you any example link for this reference for better understanding ??
Keval Kanpariya:
As explained in the documentation. I have connected a private github repository and have pulled the repository to my workstation. After finishing my changes, I have comited the changes and the wiki updated its content accordingly.
Especially larger changes as mentioned from you (copying complete folder-and file-structures) is quite more comfortable than doing it manually in the browser with copy and paste.
Avoid parallel working in the wiki and the repository at the same time to avoid conflicts which need to be resolved manually. 😉
Nidhee Kachchhee
Yeah definitely, Looking forward to this improvement! Have to clone file one by one is frustrating. Need feature for folder clone