Currently the default language is saved within the Git repository root instead of an appropriate locale dir. Unfortunately, that creates a bug where Git repository link to edit by volunteers is pointing to a non-existent file, which would be in the locale dir, but resides in the root dir instead. Simple solution would be to save all locales to their respective directory, regardless of whether it is a default locale or not.
This solution also makes sense from the semantic point of view, as each language has a distinctive directory. If we were to change the default language from Czech to English in the future for example, then what would happen to the files? The Czech locale would be transfered to "cs" directory, and English locale would suddenly swoop in to the root? That doesn't make sense.
Because of this inconsistency, our wiki, which default locale is Czech (cs), GitHub link for external edits points to an invalid resource, and as such people might be confused.
This suggestion was posted as per request in GitHub discussion for a related bug report: