Show tree of subdir with entrypages
Peter Rottmann
Made some screens to show what i mean:
Made a page with path "/tds" so you we can have a named page "Project 1", thats really nice!
Click "Project 1"
It opens the folder, but not the /tds page. It still shows the old opened page "Olmons".
Click "Project 1" (red arrow)
You see the page "Project 1" with correct url "/tds", but the pagetree of "Project 1" (red arrow) is closed.
You need to click it again, to show subpages.
You can not link direct to "/tds" without click again to open the subtree.
Thomas Nilefalk
I was also just about to write a similar ticket. I (and others) think the current navigation is wonky. (I still might, to get more attention to the one thing that keeps me from migrating...) Even Dokuwiki does a better job.
I suggest that the following two changes to the tree navigation would fix this
- remove the "upper part" where the page with the same name as the folder is shown is removed (the red arrow to "Project 1" in It seems to be working a bit like "up", and then you are in the folder above and have to click on the page that is in that directory...
- if there is a page with the same name as the "folder" show that when the folder is clicked (this is what Dokuwiki does, and also what most users would expect)
As a sidenote and much longer discussion, I think the right, but fundamental, step would be to make pages and folders totally unnecessary for the user to know about. Instead build and support the single concept of "nodes", which you edit. (In practice that could of course be a page/folder structure, but hide that fact from us, please ;-)
Oliver Lockwood
Fixing this would significantly improve the experience for our users.
As per my comment on (which I found before discovering this open ticket), you can also observe this problem while navigating WikiJS's own documentation site.
For example: has child pages like,
- from either of the children, the left side-bar shows each other and all the siblings (under "Current Directory"), as well as the parent doc (see first screenshot)
- from the parent, the left side-bar shows the siblings of the parent, but not the children (unless you explicitly open the Authentication folder, i.e. your current location again, which is non-intuitive) (see second screenshot)
Jonathan ATTON
Oliver Lockwood: Hi,
I vote for this request. Currently the navigation is incomprehensible.